Better ways of working


Agile Mindset

How we think

“Doing Agile” does not always mean “Being Agile”. Transforming mindset is essential to challenge how we’ve always done things, and understand the “why” behind the practices.

Interactive Learning Modules

  • Why Agile?

  • Agile Mindset 101

  • Applying Agile Values and Principles

Team Strength

How we collaborate

Aligning on a common purpose, building safety and accountability. These softer skills usually have the strongest impact laying the foundation for high performance teams.

Interactive Learning Modules

  • Defining and Aligning Purpose

  • Working and Advocacy Agreements

  • Roles and Expectations

  • Psychological Safety

  • Self Organisation

  • Feedback Culture

  • Servant Leadership

  • High Performance Teams

Agile Practices

How we deliver

Agile Practices exist only to enable and enhance Agile Mindset. Mastering the practices does not always mean we follow them “by the book”. We help teams adapt practices to work best for their circumstances.

Interactive Learning Modules

  • Scrum Workshops

  • Kanban Training

  • Mastering Stand-ups and Retrospectives

  • Value Stream Mapping

  • Personas and Story Mapping

  • Focus on Results with OKRs

  • Prioritisation

  • Running Effective Meetings

  • Experimentation for continuous improvement

  • Building Communities of Practice

Full Engagement Pathway

Whilst our modules can be delivered as stand-alone sessions, the best results arise from
a holistic approach to learning, experimenting, reflection and transformation.
We tailor every pathway to provide optimal value for our teams and organisations. Below is a sample framework.
