
Holistic Transformation

Full Engagement Pathway

Whilst our modules can be delivered as stand-alone sessions, the best results arise from a holistic approach to learning, experimenting, reflection and transformation. We tailor every pathway to provide optimal value for our teams and organisations.

Format: Embedded
Support: 2-4 coaches
Duration: 2-6 weeks


Agile Mindset

Agile Mindset 101

An interactive session with challenging discussion about key agile principles and their application. We focus on understanding customer value, faster workflow and driving quality through feedback loops.

Format: Workshop
Support: 2 coaches
Duration: 2 hours

Applying Agile Values and Principles

A deep dive into the Agile values and principles. Participants will get a chance to discuss, challenge and align on how they and their teams could benefit from shifting their mindsets and using the principles in their day to day work. Applying the principles, teams coach each other on current challenges, and come away with some clear actions to overcome them.

Format: Workshop
Support: 2 coaches
Duration: 2 - 3 hours


Team Strength

Team Chartering

Aligning on a common purpose, building safety and accountability. This team forming introductory session typically covers:

  • Pre-work to diagnose where the team currently is.

  • Defining and Aligning on Purpose: to ensure all team members understand why the team exists.

  • Working and Advocacy Agreements: defining the attributes the team requires to fulfil their purpose; committing to how they will hold each other accountable; and defining what they need from their leader to succeed.

  • Roles and Expectations: defining roles to uncover hidden expectations, and discuss what each can commit to.

Format: Workshop
Support: 2 coaches
Duration: 4 hours

A Roadmap to Psychological Safety

Psychological Safety is widely acknowledged as the most important element for high performing teams – and sometimes the most difficult to achieve. This energetic session includes fun ways of getting to know each other, games for building trust, and powerful techniques to maintain a high level of team trust.

Format: Workshop
Support: 2 coaches
Duration: 2 hours

Self Organisation

The best business results arise from self-organising teams. This module demonstrates the power or self-organisation, and guides leaders and teams to define and align on the level of autonomy that is right for their circumstances.

Format: Workshop
Support: 2 coaches
Duration: 2 hours


Agile Practices

Scrum Workshops

Interactive learning focussed on deep understanding of Scrum framework and role-playing its core roles and practices.

Format: Workshop
Support: 1 coach
Duration: 2 days

Kanban Training

Learn how Kanban supports Agile Mindset to increase productivity and reduce time to market. Includes designing your board, visualising your work, adopting a pull system, WIP limits, tracking cycle time and tips for getting the most value from stand-ups.

Format: Workshop
Support: 1 coach
Duration: 2 hours